The Workshop You Need To Unlock Your Psychic Senses

Energy-infused spiritual lessons, guidance, and meditation practice to unlock your psychic abilities, tap into your soul's purpose, and grow your business.



You already know there's more to this life than what you've been raised to believe... Ā 

Ā Now it's time to unlock the infinite wisdom of the Universe, your soul purpose, and connect with your angels and ancestors...

Inside this On-Demand Workshop, you will:


  • Learn the step-by-step process to access more psychic depth using your intuition for personal and business growth.

  • Release feeling STUCK and OVERWHELMED in your life and business.

  • Finally get the answers you've needed to move forward!

  • Tap into a higher level of knowing so you can TRUST the path you're on.

  • Open up to co-creating your dream life.

The Most Powerful On-Demand Workshop Now Only $47, plus you'll get lifetime access!

Learning how to access the Akashic Records and your personal Soul Book is the first step in opening up your psychic abilities. It can help you trust messages coming into you, eliminate confusion, put you on your path, and give you the confidence to boldly live your best life ever!

"Doing Emily's workshop was the first time I ever felt like I was truly meditating. Before that, I felt like I was just sitting still trying to clear my mind. With Emily, I was able to reach my inner guidance and get answers to some of the most difficult questions I had going on in my life. I would highly recommend her courses to anyone wanting to learn to be more intuitive in business or life in general."

Lori Booty

What's Included...

A $297 Value, Yours Just $47!

PDF Workbook

Part of doing this work is learning how to ask better questions. In the PDF workbook I have outlined specific questions plus offered you space to fill in your own and process what you're learning. I offer additional tips for documenting your insights.

Video Workshop

I've broken down all of the most frequently asked questions from when I taught this workshop live and I made it easy to follow on your own. I cover past lives, soul contracts, karma, death, and much more. Pause, rewind, and re-watch anytime.

The Practice

In this guided meditation, I take you into the Akashic Records, introduce you to guides, and empower you to access your own Soul Book in a way that works for you to gain insights in all areas of your personal life, relationships, and business.


  • Open up all of your psychic senses.
  • Open up to learn about your soul's journey, karma, soul contracts and your life path.
  • Access the Akashic Records
  • Connect with specific guides and angels
  • Access your own Soul Book
  • Ask psychic questions and receive answers
  • Receive a high vibration of healing energy
  • Use your Soul Book in everyday life and business.

"I learned about an event in a past life that contributed to lifelong pain/issues in my right leg/foot and when your event ended, I had no pain in my right leg/foot! This is big for me!"

Suzanne Sweney

"Emily is amazing, very knowledgeable, with an energetic vibe that is on point...If you're looking for an introduction to the records, and an explanation of how how things might show up, then this class is a good place to start."

Kelly Youmans

"This class was high-vibe and easy to follow. It helped me connect with my intuition on a deeper level and tune into my guides. Thanks Emily!"

Natalie Kittel

"The whole experience is pretty amazing! I am definitely going to keep practicing!"

Amanda Woodson

50% Complete

Two Step

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